11 Ways To Achieve the Healthiest Skin Possible (6 of 6)

10. Get enough good fats

There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating fats as long as they are of the healthy variety and are consumed in moderation. Grab a handful of nuts, drizzle your salads with extra virgin olive oil. Get Omega-3s by eating salmon and sprinkling flax seeds on your foods. If you’re a vegan, use coconut milk in your cooking. 

11. Don’t forget about Zinc

Yet another nutrient that your body needs in order to repair skin cells is zinc. Not only does it help in healing wounds and dying up tissue injuries, but it might even help your skin stay acne-free. Wild caught fish, raw cacao, pumpkin seeds, lobster, and red meat (in moderation) are ideal ways to get enough zinc. 

Tags: makeup, acne, Omega-3s, Vitamin E