11 Things You Must Know Before Microblading Your Eyebrows (3 of 6)

Microblading isn’t the best option for all.

Some people are not the best candidates for microblading, such as women who are pregnant or nursing. Additionally, anyone who is undergoing chemotherapy or using medications like blood thinners are encouraged to talk to their doctors first beforehand.



Your skin plays apart in the final product.

Certain types of skin do better with microblading than others, according to Carey. “I find that drier skin types have the best results [as they] tend to retain pigment the best and keep the crispest strokes. Oilier skin types will work, as well, but tend to heal a little softer and less crisp [possibly due to more oils in the skin],” Carey said.

I find that drier skin types have the best results [as they] tend to retain pigment the best and keep the crispest strokes. Oilier skin types will work, as well, but tend to heal a little softer and less crisp