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A Complete History Of Lipsticks

The concept of lipstick dates back centuries. There have been various stages of lipstick as time has gone by, and has continued to evolve into more advanced types and styles. Now you can find almost any color or shade of lipstick you can imagine. You can personalize your lipstick preference based on many different factors, like skin tone, occasion, your mood, or outfit. What’s even more amazing about lipsticks in the present day is the nourishing ingredients included, such as superfruits and essential oils. As more lipsticks continue to flood the market, you may wonder how this makeup tool got it started in the first place. To learn just how much makeup has changed over time, check out this complete history of lipsticks.

Ancient Times

Way back in ancient civilization, makeup was more than just a fashion statement. It was a statement about status, and was worn by both men and women. It was also used for medicinal purposes. The first people who can be credited with using lipstick is the Sumerian civilization. They used natural resources like fruit, clay rust, insects, and henna to make lipstick. The Mesopotamian culture was even more glamorous and added some shimmer to their lips with ground-up jewels.