4 Reasons to Embrace Your Gray Hair

As we age, things begin to change — everything about our physical appearance begins to shift and evolve. Let’s face it: gray hair is an inevitable part of this process. We will all undoubtedly get to a point in our lives where gray hair is a looming reality. We’ve been taught as a society to fear gray hair, and typically respond with fear when we finally see that first gray hair sprouting from our heads. But the truth is, you don’t have to be afraid of gray hair, or the aging process in general. Getting older is a beautiful thing that we are privileged to have the opportunity to do. Embracing the signs of aging is also embracing life and the chance we get to live it day after day. If you are at the age where you may be expecting gray hair soon, you can choose to have a different perspective on this part of aging. And by doing so, you will have a much more enjoyable experience with growing older. Read on to discover 4 reasons you should embrace your gray hair.

Gray hair doesn’t always mean old age

The majority of instances of gray hair do come with old age. We think of elderly people when we think of gray hair, but this is not always the case. Gray hair can come at a much earlier age. Some people start to develop gray hair much earlier. Regardless of the age you develop gray hair, this is not really synonymous with old age.

As women, we have been taught that we must hold onto our youth as much as possible. We are constantly fed marketing that implies and drills into our psyches that we must look like we are in our 20’s forever. But this isn’t true, and it creates unrealistic beauty standards that are ageist and downright harmful to our mental health. If you are graying, you should wear your beautiful, gray hair as a badge of honor.

Gray hair is actually chic

While there is still stigma around gray hair and aging, gray hair has actually become a trend in the last couple of years. With the rise of social media, trends circulate quickly and pick up in popularity faster than ever. This has been the case with gray hair as it has rapidly become a style now considered chic and trendy.

Hair dyeing techniques like ombre and balayage have made gray hair less associated with old age and more associated with trendy Hollywood celebrities. All over the world, people are dyeing their hair gray by choice, and using names like white blonde, smoke, ice or silver for their new hair colors. So while you may be dreading going gray naturally, there are people paying top dollar to achieve a look similar to yours. Are you convinced yet that your gray hair is a lot more attractive than you once thought?

It can be a signature look for you

You may feel like going gray is going to mean you can never have exciting and bold hair again. But that could not be farther from the truth. For those who actually embrace the aging process, there are some who have turned their head full of gray into signature looks. This is the case for people like Daphne Guinness, Linda Rodin, Iris Apfel, or Helen Mirren. Because so many other women shy away from their gray hair, these women loving and owning their gray hair made them stand out in the crowd.

What also makes gray hair a signature look is not letting your hair care go by the wayside once you go gray. Many women are so upset at the idea of going gray, they do not properly take care of it, or have fun with it, once they do go gray. If you have a head full of beautiful gray hair, switch things up and try a new style, or cut it short or into a trendy cut. Gray hair doesn’t have to be boring and lifeless if you choose to embrace it.

It can save you a lot of time and money

If you’ve been avoiding accepting your gray hair, chances are that you have been spending thousands of dollars a year on dyeing your hair. But this is a huge expense that you could cut altogether if you embrace your natural gray hair. Also with the money you are spending on hiding your gray, you could be spending on keeping your hair healthy and having some fun with your new take on embracing the gray.

Tags: Hair, bold, exciting, trend