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10 Hot Winter Makeup Trends and Ideas for 2023

With colder weather on its way, it is time to start thinking about what trends will follow into the winter months. Winter makeup is a lot of fun to play with because there are many different ways to find variation. You can take a winter makeup look and customize it to make it better fit your personal style. Winter is a wonderful season to experiment with new looks and trends, and that extra layer of makeup might just make you feel a bit more cozy during the cold chill of winter. And there is nothing like a sharp winter coat or weather to match a perfectly polished makeup look. One of the key things to remember about winter makeup is that during this time, skin can begin to look more pale as the sunshine begins to recede. This means that winter makeup requires an emphasis on adding back in that healthy glow that you naturally get during summer and spring. If you are ready to learn more about how to make your skin beautiful during colder weather, check out these 10 hot winter makeup trends and ideas for 2023.

Prom Natural Makeup Looks, Forehead, Nose, Skin, Lip, Chin, Shoulder, Eye liner, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Lipstick

Bronze Shades

Winter is a great time to go for warm shades. Bronze makeup is a warm shade that will add some natural glow to your face. Many celebrities like Gigi Hadid keep bronze in their makeup rotation pretty often. You will look perfectly sunkissed and instantly gorgeous with a touch of bronze to your face. It is quick and easy to add this into your routine.