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5 Myths About Acne and Diet That We Can Stop Believing, According to Science

Skincare is one of the most important things we can manage in terms of our external appearance. But many people experience troubles with their skin that can range a host of problems. These problems can include anything from the occasional pimple to blackheads, but one problem that is a huge burden for some is acne. Acne can occur for many reasons, like health conditions, irritation from skin care products, genetics, fluctuating hormones, or even genetics. But no matter what the origin, the fact is that acne can be a real pain to try and remedy. There are several different ways to treat acne that can actually improve your condition. The best way to find out the treatment that is right for you is to speak to a dermatologist about your individual situation. But there are other so called skin care remedies that are not as beneficial. Take one look online for acne solutions, and you will find there are plenty of solutions that claim to solve skin care problems. But false information is part of the reason people suffer from skincare issues longer than they have to. By following unsubstantiated solutions like this, you may irritate existing problems or create new ones. If you are ready to leave behind this kind of untrue information, read on about these 5 myths about acne and diet that we can stop believing, according to science.

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Teenagers are the only people to get acne

Many people think that only teenagers get acne, but this is not true. Many adults suffer from acne for various reasons, but one of them is a change in hormones. Hormones cause an increase in sebum, which is the oil in the glands within the skin. Hormones can also cause an increase in skin cell growth. Between these two factors and old skincare cells, the skin can begin to develop conditions like acne. While hormonal acne happens commonly during puberty, it can persist throughout adulthood.