DIY Methods to Get Rid of Dandruff (2 of 5)

How Does Dandruff Occur?

There are many reasons why dandruff happens, including stress, genetics and improper hair care practices. One of the most common reasons is when there is too much sebum produced, as well as the fungus that it feeds on. “We secrete sebum onto our scalp and a yeast (fungus) interacts with the sebum. The body detects this interaction as an irritant and rapidly increases the production of skin cells that flake off and present as dandruff,” explains Joseph.

What Are the Signs You May Have Dandruff?

Dandruff can sometimes be confused with dry scalp. But the two are very different conditions. Each issue can cause itchy skin, but dry scalp is associated with smaller flakes. Dandruff usually manifests as larger noticeable flakes. “White flakes of skin that can be seen on clothing, or an itchy scalp are signs of dandruff,” comments Joseph.

DIY Dandruff Remedies: