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Top 10 Winter Nail Colors You Should Try

As the weather begins to change, so does fashion and the trends that come along with it. While summer nails are fun and flirty, there is something especially attractive and sultry about winter nail trends. And there are even some nail trends this winter that incorporate more light hearted looks like glitter polishes. Whether you are looking for something that is on the cutting edge, or something more traditional, there are plenty of options to choose from this winter. Changing your nail color is a great way to add some fun and creativity to your look, and can be the perfect pick me up during colder weather. If you are ready to up your nail game and turn some heads, then this list is the perfect one for you. Check out these top 10 winter nail colors you should try out during this season.

Nail, Skin, Hand, Gesture, Thumb

Dark Chocolate

This shade is beautiful for the winter and is a very deep shade of brown. It is all the class and elegance you could want this winter season. This look is also very versatile so it can look good with almost any outfit or ensemble you wish to pair it with. Definitely add this one to your winter arsenal.