7 Makeup Tricks to Make Your Nose Look Smaller (4 of 4)

Try using a loose powder to cut down on shine

One thing you want to make sure you do is incorporate some loose powder into your makeup regimen if you want to slim your nose. Loose powder is one key tool in making sure your nose is not shiny. And as stated, this is key as a shiny nose can make it look significantly bigger. So, after you have applied your foundation, be sure to seal the deal by applying some loose powder. This will totally get rid of any shiny nose problems.

Make your lips shimmery to make your nose get less attention

As stated, it is easy to make your nose look smaller if you take some attention away from it. While you can focus on your eyebrows or cheeks to do this, you can also play up on your lips. One of the easiest ways to draw more attention to your lips is to use a shimmer lipstick or gloss. It will totally redirect eyes from directly noticing your nose. This is another tip that does not require a ton of makeup to get the job done.

Tags: makeup, bronzer, contour, gloss