Types of Acne and How to Treat Them

When it comes to skin, no one wants to deal with the dreaded condition that befalls each of us at some point in life: acne. The term acne is used generally to describe what you may have heard called a “breakout.” But the two are not always synonymous. Not all kinds of acne are spread across the entire face like a breakout generally is. And acne can be caused for several different reasons. To truly understand how to combat acne, it is important to thoroughly understand how it happens and why. If you have been dealing with different forms of acne and are ready to learn how to get clear skin again, check out these different types of acne and how to treat them.

What causes acne?

Acne can be caused by many different reasons. Sometimes the cause is topical and is attributed to conditions of the skin. This can include bacteria, dead skin cells, or ingrown hairs. It can also be caused by a buildup of excess oil, or sebum, on the skin. Acne can also be caused by hormonal fluctuations, which is why so many teenagers are troubled with acne during puberty. It is said that about 17 million Americans battle against acne, so it is definitely prevalent in any age group.

What are the different types of acne?

There are two different overall categories of acne, which are inflammatory and noninflammatory. Within these categories, there exist different kinds of inflammatory and noninflammatory acne.

Noninflammatory acne

Within this category, there are blackheads and whiteheads. You don’t normally experience inflammation and swelling with these two types. And they are treated pretty easily by over-the-counter products. Salicylic acid is a very well-marketed and beneficial product for this kind of acne. It helps to exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, which are the main culprits behind noninflammatory acne.