Types of Acne and How to Treat Them (2 of 4)

Blackheads — open comedones

Blackheads sprout up when a pore gets clogged with a mix of dead skin cells and sebum.
The pore continues to stay open on the top, even though the rest of the pore is clogged at the root. It can appear to be black on the surface, hence the name blackhead.

Whiteheads — closed comedones

Whiteheads are very similar to blackheads in that they are pores closed with dead skin cells and sebum. The difference is that the pore’s top surface closes up, making a protruding bump that rises up from the skin. Whiteheads are a bit more cumbersome in terms of treatment because the pore is closed. This is where salicylic acid comes in. Retinoids that you use topically are also great options for whiteheads.