Types of Acne and How to Treat Them (3 of 4)

Inflammatory acne

Pimples that become inflamed and swollen are the kind of acne that is considered inflammatory. Sebum and dead skin are also behind this kind of acne, but bacteria is also at play causing inflammation and redness. This bacteria can take root under the skin and cause troublesome infections, making for a more painful bout of acne.

Products that work well for inflammatory acne include benzoyl peroxide and topical antibiotics. These kinds of products can reduce redness and swelling, as well as get rid of excess sebum and dead skin. What needs to be addressed with this kind of acne is killing off the bacteria.


One type of inflammatory acne is papules, which happen when the walls around the pore are broken down because of intense inflammation. The pore gets hard and clogged and is tender to the touch, resulting in pink inflamed skin around the pore.