Develop These Habits For Fabulous Hair — Every Day (3 of 4)

Stay away from styling with heat

Heat styling can create some wonderful, sleek looks, but it is damaging your hair in the long term. Try to avoid heat styling as much as possible, as it can cause major disrepair to your locks. If you do use heat, go for a more gentle approach by using tools like steam rollers. These are far less damaging than tools like wands, blow dryers, hot rollers, and curling irons. Heat is only applied through steam, which is safe for hair and still effective for styling. 

Eat a healthy diet

Ensuring your hair is healthy is not only an external venture, but an internal one too. To truly heal your hair and keep it well maintained, focus on your diet as well. It is really true that we are what we eat. Our diet has a huge impact on our external appearance, especially our hair. Focusing on a diet full of Omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc and protein will work wonders for hair follicle stimulation and growth.