11 Ways To Achieve the Healthiest Skin Possible (4 of 6)

6. Take off that makeup before bed

You might not enjoy the routine of taking off your makeup, especially if you’re getting home late from the clubs, but sleeping with it on is one of the worst things you can do for your skin. For one thing, the makeup will clog up your pores. Also, if you aren’t using makeup that is made up of natural, organic ingredients, that extra time with the makeup on your face can cause toxins to enter your bloodstream. So before you shut off the lights, simply take 5 minutes to remove your makeup. You’ll be glad you did! 

7. Leave those zits alone

It might be hard to resist popping those unsightly pimples and zits, but believe us when we say you’ll be better off in the long run. By squeezing them, you not only risk scarring, you can even spread bacteria that only makes your acne problem even worse! If you need to use medication to get rid of serious acne, by all means do so. But don’t literally take matters into your own hands; be patient and allow your skin to heal by itself.