11 Ways To Achieve the Healthiest Skin Possible (5 of 6)

8. Develop a fitness routine

As we all know, getting moderate exercise everyday is how we keep our hearts healthy and maintain a healthy body weight. But how does it affect our skin? Think of it this way: how do nutrients such as the aforementioned Vitamin C, E, copper and antioxidants heal and rejuvenate our skin? By going through our blood stream. Every time you get in a good workout, you are delivering oxygen and nutrients to your skin in this manner!

9. Get your ZZZ’s

The term “beauty sleep” might sound cliché, but there is some real truth to it! While you are getting shut-eye, your entire body recharges, detoxifies, and replenishes. Studies show that most people aren’t getting the hours necessary to allow these processes. Shoot for at least 8 every night!