9 Beauty Tricks That Can Actually Ruin Your Look (3 of 5)

Matte lipstick looks

Matte lipstick has been and still is all the rage. It can have a very beautiful and soft effect when applied correctly. But this is a look you have to utilize with care. Sometimes, a matte look that is devoid of any gloss or shine can appear dated, making the face look older. A juicy red lip can be the pop of color to make your face appear more full of vigor and life.

Super dark lipstick colors

Dark lips are a nice bold look to employ, but they bring a lot of attention. This can be a good thing, unless you are trying to attract less attention to any fine lines or wrinkles – in which case, dark lips are very counterproductive. They will also bring attention to any other aspects of your face you may want to hide, like pimples or blemishes.