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Get The Softest Feet At Home With These Hacks and Recipes (4 of 6)

Vegetarian Food, Plant, Flowerpot, Leaf, Ingredient, Fines herbes, Tableware

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is a wonderful agent for skin because it has a soothing, cooling effect. It also has omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for nourishing skin. Try a peppermint foot scrub that pairs oat flakes, cornmeal, coarse sea salt, and peppermint oil. Because there is no water in this scrub, apply it to wet feet. 

Mashing Banana, Food, Hand, Tableware, Saba banana, Ingredient, Banana, Cooking plantain, Yellow, Staple food


You may have never heard this one, but bananas are great for your feet. The amino acids and vitamins in bananas are major game-changers for softer feet. You can use bananas by mashing a couple of bananas and applying them as a mask directly to your feet. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse. You can also repeat the same steps, but substitute the mashed banana by rubbing the peel directly on your soles.