7 Enticing Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

7 Enticing Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia is packed with nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants. Chia seeds can be white or black seeds that actually come from a larger plant called Salvia hispanica L. They have been used by ancient civilizations for many purposes including for food, medicinal benefits, spiritual practices, and the creation of cosmetic products.

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5 Skincare Myths Beauty Companies Profit From

5 Skincare Myths Beauty Companies Profit From

Skincare is a huge part of every person’s life, and this can be even truer for those who may experience issues with their skin. Many people think that they are going to have skin care problems for the rest of their lives. What they don’t know is that many of their issues are only being exacerbated by inaccurate ideas about skincare, and products that are ineffective but correlate with these misconceptions.

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7 Fresh Salads Under 100 Calories

7 Fresh Salads Under 100 Calories

Salads can be a great way to stick to your weight loss plans, by increasing your veggie intake, filling up without so many calories and giving yourself a boost of guilt-free energy. Salads with a diverse variety of ingredients will help you upkick your nutrient intake, which will give you many powerful and needed components your body may have been missing. Check out these 7 fresh salads under 100 calories.

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4 Reasons to Embrace Your Gray Hair

4 Reasons to Embrace Your Gray Hair

As we age, everything about our physical appearance begins to shift and evolve. Getting older is a beautiful thing that we are privileged to have the opportunity to do. Embracing the signs of aging is also embracing life and the chance we get to live it day after day.

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7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

Experts say that we need at least eight glasses of water, eight ounces each. Being dehydrated can reduce your body’s ability to regulate temperature, make exercise harder and increase fatigue. Mild dehydration, which is just 1 to 3% of the body\'s water content, can have a significant impact on brain function.

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Metabolism to Mental Health: 7 Ways Losing Weight Too Fast Will Backfire

Metabolism to Mental Health: 7 Ways Losing Weight Too Fast Will Backfire

There are many side effects and unfavorable conditions that can come from losing weight too fast. One of the biggest downfalls to quick weight loss is that it can make the weight come back with a quickness. The best way to lose weight is naturally over time for a number of reasons.

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French Makeup Tips Parisian Women Swear By

French Makeup Tips Parisian Women Swear By

French makeup is one look that is becoming popular amongst beauty gurus and people who just love makeup. This is due partly because French women are not looking for perfection in their makeup routine. They embrace their imperfections and it makes them that much more beautiful. These beauty secrets of French women can be achieved if you know the right tips and methods.

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How To Deal With Your Toughest Cravings

How To Deal With Your Toughest Cravings

The key to dealing with cravings is to give into them in a gentle and beneficial way. This way you do not restrict yourself for long periods of time, and risk totally gorging out. To battle your cravings, it is best to meet them head on individually. This means finding the best approach to each of your food vices.

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Easy Ways to Integrate Self-Care into Your Daily Life

Easy Ways to Integrate Self-Care into Your Daily Life

Many times, we are so preoccupied with helping everyone else that we place ourselves last on our to do lists. This can lead to a number of challenges, if you consistently work at a deficit of energy and attention to yourself. To learn how you can start to refuel your personal reservoir, check out these easy ways to integrate self-care into your life.

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10 Male Celebrities Who Are Proud Feminists

10 Male Celebrities Who Are Proud Feminists

There are several male celebrities who are not shy about supporting their female counterparts. These bold men actively engage in discussions about women’s rights, and are open about advocating for better pay and treatment of women. These male celebs have made it a point to use their platform and voice to bring awareness to injustices.

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When You Eat Salmon Every Day, This is What Happens To Your Body

When You Eat Salmon Every Day, This is What Happens To Your Body

Salmon is very fatty and rich in texture and has a distinct flavor profile that sets it apart from other fish. One of the best types to purchase is wild caught, but farmed salmon is still beneficial as well. Salmon can help you recover more quickly from injuries.

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10 Celebs with Gorgeous Natural Curls

10 Celebs with Gorgeous Natural Curls

Curly hair has always been a popular choice for feminine style hair. It is fun and flirty and exudes an effortless sensuality. There are a few celebs who are the definition of beautiful, curly hair. These celebrities have set several trends in curly hairstyles, and are still rocking beautiful curls today.

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What is Visceral Fat?

What is Visceral Fat?

You can have visceral fat and have a somewhat flat stomach. When this happens, it's called TOFI: thin outside fat inside. The only way to find out how much of this fat is in your body is through an expensive test, one which a doctor will not order for this purpose alone. Visceral fat is linked to a number of health conditions.

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7 Timeless Tips For Curling Your Lashes

7 Timeless Tips For Curling Your Lashes

There are many different gadgets for curling eyelashes, but what many people don’t know is that what you do outside of these tools is important too. There are some natural and handy ways to enhance the look of your eyelashes that go beyond the traditional methods. If you are ready to learn all the ins and outs of achieving the most beautiful eyel lashes, check out these 7 timeless tips forCurling your lashes.

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7 Simple Ways To Eat Right When Cooking Isn’t Your Forte

7 Simple Ways To Eat Right When Cooking Isn’t Your Forte

If you are not a good cook, you can still eat healthy by making simple meals. You can meal prep for the week, or you can even make enough to freeze and use weeks later. If you have friends or family that come over often, or who even live with you,you can also share your meals.

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What Your Body Type Reveals About Your Health and Wellness

What Your Body Type Reveals About Your Health and Wellness

The main body shape types include apple, pear, hourglass, inverted triangle, and ruler shapes. Larger waistlines put people at an increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. An apple shape can make you more inclined to develop cancer, cardiovascular issues and diabetes than those with smaller waists.

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What to Do When More Exercise and Stricter Dieting Don’t Work

What to Do When More Exercise and Stricter Dieting Don’t Work

Many times when we think of getting results from exercise, we think we need to work harder and harder. More is not always better, and the pathway of extreme exercise and dieting will only lead you to burnout. The key to combatting a lack of results that is healthier than extremes and obsession is to find your Optimal Effective Dose.

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The Best Skin Care Routine For Blackheads

The Best Skin Care Routine For Blackheads

Blackheads are also known as comedones, and are just a deposit of dead skin, oil and bacteria. Blackheads occur because of many things such as stress, poor skin care, and bad products. These tips, as well as a better skin care routine can totally improve your chances of less blackheads.

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10 Proven Ways To Be Happy Alone And Feel Less Lonely

10 Proven Ways To Be Happy Alone And Feel Less Lonely

Being alone can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness. Alone time can actually be a great chance to learn more about yourself, and create an environment that welcomes in your best self. Check out these 10 proven ways to be happy alone and feel less lonely and get out into nature.

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Tough Workouts That Will Give You Amazing Results Within Weeks

Tough Workouts That Will Give You Amazing Results Within Weeks

High-impact workouts are great to incorporate and can help you see a difference quickly. Once you get adjusted to these exercises that are high intensity, incorporate a new one to keep your body guessing. Burpees increase metabolism, burn major calories, and increase heart rate as well. Burning belly fat with interval workouts is a great way to attack stubborn belly fat.

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