5 Reasons to Add More Fermented foods to Your Diet (2 of 3)

Good bacteria can fight off and win against bad bacteria

Believe it or not, you consume bad bacteria every single day, like pathogens, which can cause disease and sickness. It is unavoidable and one of the main reasons why you have to keep the good bacteria well-fed and strong. Good bacteria are the tiny fighting soldiers that will protect you from pathogens, and this is where fermented products come in handy again. Fermented foods lower the pH balance of your intestines, helping your good bacteria fight even better, as a low intestinal pH makes it harder for bad bacteria to survive. Additionally, fermented foods have a protein that helps kill the bad guys. 

You need the help of good bacteria in making certain vitamins

Good bacteria are helpful in so many ways, including helping your body make the vitamins you need to live. Without good bacteria, your body could not synthesize vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, B12, and K. So this is even more reason to feed the good guys with fermented products.