5 Reasons to Add More Fermented foods to Your Diet (3 of 3)

Bodies that stay balanced are the healthiest

The bacteria in your gut have an effect on your body, from head to toe. The less gut diversity you have, the more susceptible you are to disease and illness. A higher diversity of bacteria in the gut is said to keep you from some of the most chronic and life-threatening conditions you can think of. Some of them include things like obesity and weight gain, asthma and respiratory problems, and chronic inflammation, which can lead to conditions like inflammatory bowel disease. 

Fermented foods can help rebalance your gut health after antibiotics

You may not know it, but if you have ever taken antibiotics, you have inevitably done some kind of damage to your gut health. Antibiotics are necessary in certain medical situations and are life-saving medicines, but they kill off everything in their path within your body, including bacteria and bugs, as well as the good bacteria too. This is why many people experience diarrhea and other digestive issues after a round of antibiotics. After killing off good bacteria with antibiotics, it is essential to restore your gut health as soon as possible, which you can jumpstart with fermented foods. This will help to repopulate your gut with the good guys and keep you from getting sick again due to fewer defenses within your gut biome. Eating high-fiber and plant-based foods as part of your diet are other great ways to feed a healthy gut.