7 Habits of Everyday to Avoid If You Do Not Want Covid (2 of 4)

Wear a mask

There is a lot of debate about how much wearing a mask influences the spread of the virus. But research shows that even the least effective mask still helps to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. This is because the virus hangs out in the respiratory droplets that we emit when we talk, laugh, sing or even just breathe. These droplets can hang, suspended in the air, or are projected out towards people when we speak to them. Wearing a mask helps to reduce virus spread in this way.

Avoid being in close proximity with sick people

This is hard because it is sometimes difficult to tell if another person is sick. It is also hard if you have multiple people in your household. But as much as possible, avoid getting too close to people that you are aware have symptoms related to COVID-19. If there is someone who is sick in your household, designate one room and bathroom, if possible, for them to quarantine until they feel better. Be sure to always practice social distancing in public, and continuously wipe down surfaces that are high traffic.