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8 Easy Ways To Be Happier Right Now (3 of 5)

Friends Best, Face, Smile, Hand, Muscle, People in nature, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

Go do a fun activity

It is easy to get caught up in always trying to be productive, even while just relaxing. Today, go do a fun activity and focus on nothing but… doing nothing. We can lose sight of the point of fun, which is to not be productive or focused. Just let loose and enjoy yourself — it is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

Cleaning, Joint, Shoe, Shoulder, Plant, Leg

Rethink your normal complaints

Sometimes we get bored with our routines and the mundane nature of life. This can lead us to feel unsatisfied, which can send us into complaint mode. Do you find yourself complaining about paying bills, or waiting in the lunch line, or even about how your friend talks so much? Replace thoughts like this with gratitude: such as the fact that you are blessed to have the money to pay bills or buy lunch, or to have a friend who trusts you enough to confide in you.