7 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Enough Water

Water is essential to every part of life. Every living thing needs water to survive, and humans are no exception. The human body itself is made up of about 60% water. This means that we must constantly replenish our bodies with water to stay in optimal health. Experts say that we need at least eight glasses of water, eight ounces each. This is the bare minimum to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated has so many positive impacts on health and can drastically improve many aspects of your life. On the other end, not consuming enough water is a recipe for disaster. Dehydration is one of the worst things you can let your body experience. Many issues and conditions are created or worsened by being dehydrated. While it may not be something that comes easily, drinking water is simple and one of the best things you can do for your overall health. Finding a way to incorporate more water into your day is a great choice, and you will be surprised at how much better you feel, mentally, physically, and emotionally. This is because water intake affects your entire being on every level. To learn more about just how important it is to stay hydrated, check out these 7 science-based health benefits of drinking enough water.

Maximizes physical exertion
Water is key to staying active and fueling your body. If you are not properly hydrated, your body will not be able to keep performing at optimal levels during exercise. Dehydration is more common than most people think, and can happen easier than you might realize. Just losing 2% of your body’s water content can cause problems. Many times, athletes lose up to 7% of body water content just through sweating. Being dehydrated can reduce your body’s ability to regulate temperature, make exercise harder and increase fatigue.

Regulates brain function
Hydration plays a huge role in brain function and energy levels. Mild dehydration, which is just 1 to 3% of the body’s water content, can have a significant impact on brain function. A study in women revealed that just a 1.4% loss of fluid impaired both mood and concentration levels. Levels as low as 1 to 3% is just about 4.5 pounds of body weight for a person weight 150 pounds. This kind of fluid loss can occur just from simple, everyday activities.

Treats headaches and pains
While there are many reasons for headaches, dehydration is one of them. In fact, research shows that dehydration is one of the main reasons behind headaches. Studies have shown that an increase in water intake drastically improved the occurrence of migraines.

Helps with constipation
Many times, constipation is the result of a lack of fluid in the body. This happens when the bowels are not moving properly. Like all functions of the body, water is necessary to properly move waste through the body. Low water intake is a huge risk factor for constipation, especially for those who are in the young or older age groups.

Treats kidney stones
Kidney stones are painful collections of crystal build up that form in the urinary system. These stones can be very hard and painful to pass. Water intake is one way to help prevent kidney stones from occurring. This is because more water increases the amount of urine flowing through the kidneys, which in turn dilutes any concentration of minerals. This can prevent the build up of initial kidney stones, and also help to reduce the chance of recurrence.

Reduces hangovers
While alcohol can make for a fun time in the moment, it can cause some pretty undesirable symptoms the next day. If you’ve ever had a hangover, you know firsthand how it feels to be nauseated, have a splitting headache, feel disoriented and generally unwell. If you stay better hydrated, you can reduce the symptoms of a hangover the next day after drinking. A good rule of thumb to follow is to drink a glass of water between each drink that you consume, and another big glass before you go to bed.

Helps with weight loss
Another great benefit of drinking water is that it can help you lose weight. Water intake can help you feel more full, and additionally increase your metabolism. Metabolic rate can directly impact your ability to lose weight, as a higher metabolism will help you burn more calories.