8 Nail Care Tricks to Keep Them Strong, Shiny and Healthy at Home (3 of 5)

Eat more healthy proteins

Keratin is key in healthy nails. So eating foods that are high in keratin is a great way to improve nail health. Try to eat foods like beans, almonds, and fish. You can also take supplements like biotin and fish oil, which are also great for nails. Any of these actions can drastically improve your nail health; and these foods and supplements are readily available and typically easy to find at your local grocery store or vitamin shop.

Be careful with pedicures and manicures

Many people love to go to their local nail salon to get their nails professionally manicured or pedicured. But not all nail technicians properly sanitize their tools. Be sure to ask your nail tech to clean and sanitize their instruments and food baths in between sessions. This will help you cut down on the risk of catching any bacteria, fungi or illnesses through their equipment.