8 Nail Care Tricks to Keep Them Strong, Shiny and Healthy at Home (4 of 5)

Try not to bite your nails too much

We all have habits that are hard to quit, but can help ease our nerves. Biting nails is something many people are guilty of and it can be more damaging to more than just your nails. If you have dirt under your nails, you are easily spreading those germs to your mouth and your body. And on the other hand, if you have any open sores on your nails, you are passing any germs from your mouth into your body as well. So if you can help it, try to keep your nail-biting to a bare minimum.

Be cautious with the kind of nail polish you choose

Nail polish is a fun way to express your individual style and personality. Different textures and colors can show off your mood or vibe, and bring some vibrant color into your day. But all nail polishes are not created equally, and some contain chemicals that are quite dangerous to our health. Formaldehyde and dibutyl are common ingredients in many polishes, and can damage your nails and make them weaker. Also, putting color on your nails continuously can make them weaker, and even turn them yellow.