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Want to Look and Feel More Attractive? Science Says These 8 Tips Work! (2 of 5)

Elogios Em Ingles, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Lip, Hand, Hairstyle, Eyebrow, Facial expression, Eyelash, Mouth

2. Compliment Others

One of the best ways to look good in the minds of others is to say things that boost their esteem. For instance, a study conducted in 2016 found that when men used metaphors to complement women, those men were more likely to be considered attractive. The key, of course, is to use appropriate compliments and not go too far with them. But with the right words, you might just score a date with that person you have a crush on!

Mantener La Mirada, Nose, Hair, Smile, Skin, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Human body, Flash photography, Happy

3. Smile

It’s that simple. When you smile at someone – even at a stranger – the majority of the time they will instinctively smile back. The reason is, you give them the perception that you are a warm, inviting person. When looking for a mate, we want somebody who we find approachable regardless of how pretty or handsome their face is. Smiling at somebody could literally make them feel happy for the rest of the day!