12 Tips for Getting Over the Flu in a Jiffy (2 of 7)

Boire Leau Du Robinet, Hand, Drinkware, Liquid, Fluid, Water, Gesture

2. Hydrate

Imagine your body as a lush garden, and the flu as a wilting weed trying to steal its sunshine. Your magic potion? Water! Every sip is a refreshing dewdrop, and every glass is a gentle rain shower. Hydrate like a pro—plain water, soothing herbal teas, and even warming broths join the party. Hydration is the soil your recovery blooms in, so nourish your inner garden and watch the flu wither away.

Tecidos Para Pijama, Hair, Joint, Comfort, Azure, Purple, Neck, Textile, Sleeve, Gesture

3. Get Plenty of Sleep

Remember those childhood sleepovers, giggling beneath blankets and whispering secrets? Reunite with your inner slumber hero! Embrace sleep as your ultimate flu-fighter. Snuggle under cozy blankets, crank up the pillow fluff, and let your eyelids flutter closed. Each snooze is a victory lap, each dream is a power nap against the flu. Aim for eight hours (or more!), like building a fortress against the sniffles.