12 Tips for Getting Over the Flu in a Jiffy (5 of 7)

8. Have a spoonful of honey

When you’re feeling like a cough orchestra is conducting your life, honey can be your silent maestro! A spoonful of this golden goo soothes throat irritation and coats those pesky cough receptors, offering a natural hush. Honey alone won’t do the trick, but it can be a sweet melody in your recovery symphony. Grab a spoon, savor the taste, and listen to your cough gently fade away.

9. Try elderberry

With its antiviral and immune-boosting powers, elderberry acts as the perfect companion to those aforementioned over-the-counter medications. Pop a lozenge, sip some syrup, or brew a warm tea. While elderberry isn’t a cure-all, it might lend your body a helping hand on the road to recovery.