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7 Ways to Release Yourself From Body Shame

Body shaming is a fairly new word, but the concept it describes has existed for quite some time. Body shaming is most commonly used to describe behavior that makes another person feel shame about their body by being overly critical or demeaning. But body shaming can also encompass the ways in which we personally feel about our own bodies. People may body shame themselves if they do not love their bodies and are uncomfortable in their own skin. The unfortunate truth is that many people suffer from low self-esteem or poor body image, which has a direct impact on how they think of themselves.

This is where self-inflicted body shaming is born. How we think and view ourselves impacts our self-talk, which is the conversations and internal chatter we have about ourselves. Having negative self-talk and ultimately body shaming is easy to fall into in today’s society, with so much comparison happening online and in digital spaces. What many need to be reminded of is that many images online are altered and enhanced to reinforce impossible standards of beauty. If you are ready to begin working past negative views of yourself, check out these 7 ways to release yourself from body shame.

Mulher Braço Tatuado, Flash photography, People in nature, Terrestrial plant, Thigh

Embrace yourself for all your uniqueness

You can easily slip into body shaming if you are not able to accept yourself for who you are. We are all made uniquely for a reason; our entire beings are created to give something unique and beautiful to the world. Leave behind comparison and belittling yourself when you think of other people. Being your most authentic self will only make your light shine brighter, and help you see just how awesome you are.