7 Things You Deserve As Much As Any Man (3 of 4)

A Life Without Counting Calories

The vast majority of women have been raised to feel they need to constantly watch their figure. This obsession with being thin and “beautiful” keeps many women from enjoying one of life’s greatest pleasures: food! And a good beer here and there. Don’t feel the need to constantly limit yourself. Life is meant to be enjoyed, and that means being able to have a calorie laden, greasy slice of pizza, and beer if you desire it, without feeling guilty for a week after. 

Real Love 

Women deserve to be loved, period. And man that deserves you will be able to give it to you. This encompasses a lot, but for starters, it includes being loved for exactly who you are. A man should want you for you, not for what he can get out of you or benefit from. Don’t settle for anything less than real, pure love. And once you experience this, you will feel the difference and will never want to go back to part time love.