8 Practical Tips For Living a Healthy, Plant-Based Lifestyle (4 of 5)

Tip 6: Greens Galore

Leafy green vegetables are some of the most nutritious foods on the planet. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Leafy green vegetables can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. You can eat them raw, cooked, or steamed. You can also add them to smoothies or juices.

Here are a few ideas for incorporating more leafy green vegetables into your diet:

  • Add spinach to smoothies or juices.
  • Use kale as a base for salads or wraps.
  • Sauté collard greens with garlic and olive oil.
  • Steam Swiss chard and serve it with a side of quinoa.
  • Add spinach or kale to soups and stews.

Tip 7: Salad Showstopper

Salads are a great way to get a variety of plant foods in one meal. They are also a good source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

They don’t even have to be boring lettuce-based concoctions, either. To create a satisfying salad, start with a base of leafy greens, such as spinach or kale. Then, add a variety of vegetables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots.