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10 Signs You Might Be Needy Without Realizing It (4 of 6)

Social Media Girl, Lip, Hand, Eyelash, Neck, Flash photography, Gesture

You’re constantly on social media

Do you ever catch yourself constantly updating your social media feed, especially right after you’ve shared a post? While receiving likes and comments can be satisfying, if you find yourself obsessively checking for reactions or counting the number of hearts on your latest picture, you may be placing too much importance on seeking social validation.

Table, Table, Tableware, Flash photography

You always seem to get jealous

Jealousy is a common feeling, but when it becomes your automatic response whenever someone you value interacts with others, it may indicate a sense of dependency. By feeling jealous, you are essentially conveying the message, “I must always be your top priority.” This not only drains you emotionally but also burdens the other person with undue expectations.