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10 Signs You Might Be Needy Without Realizing It (5 of 6)

Woman, Hair, Eye, Dress shirt, Neck, Sleeve, Standing, Gesture

You say “sorry” a lot

Pay attention: When you find yourself apologizing for every minor issue, even those beyond your control, it may indicate that your apologies are misplaced. It’s akin to preemptively pleading, “Please don’t be upset with me, please don’t abandon me,” with each “I’m sorry” uttered. Excessive apologizing can quickly wear thin on those in your circle, conveying a sense of insecurity and a constant need for validation.

Flash Photography, Microphone, Cloud, Sky, Flash photography, Musician, Gesture

You are always partying

Constantly seeking the spotlight may indicate a deeper desire for validation among a group of people. It’s as if you’re silently pleading, “See me, approve of me, please accept me,” but with a grander display and more boisterous atmosphere. Thus, despite appearing extremely self-assured and entertaining, there could be an underlying need for external validation through applause and laughter to feel secure within yourself. A gathering isn’t always just a social event; it can sometimes reflect deeper emotional needs.