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8 Signs He Bought An Engagement Ring (3 of 5)

Engagement Ring, Watch, Hand, Dress, Finger, Gesture

Interested in Your Plans

If your partner is suddenly a lot more interested in your plans, it could be because they’re trying to figure out if you’re in for the long haul. Nobody is going to propose to you if you’re not taking it seriously and not putting your focus on the relationship you’ve built already.

Ask For Marriage, Hand, Shoulder, Arm, Facial expression, Smile, Happy, Eyewear, Gesture

Actively Talking About Future Plans

Not only will they care more about your future plans, they’ll also be talking about their own future plans more actively and making sure to explicitly include you in them. If they’re actively trying to convince you that you are a very big part of their future, it might be a clear sign that they’re planning the next step in your relationship.