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8 Signs He Bought An Engagement Ring (4 of 5)

Surprise For Engagement, Smile, White, Fashion, Orange, Textile

More Romantic

There’s nothing to put a little romance back into your relationship like planning to propose to someone. Your partner will almost overnight seem like a much more romantic person and spend much more energy in making sure you feel loved and unique. It’s a show of great commitment and wanting to see your relationship go all the way.

Verlobt Hand, Flash photography, Sleeve, Happy, Dress, Gesture

Trips Down Memory Lane

Planning ahead has this weird effect of making you look back. If your partner is suddenly bringing up memories of your time together more often, it’s because they’re actively thinking about your relationship and all the good (and even bad) times you’ve had so far. They’re just trying to evaluate the path you’ve been on together and what got you to the place you’re at today.