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6 Signs You’re Trying to Hard to Get The Guy & Need to Chill (2 of 4)

Mobile Phone, Hair, Shoulder, Couch, Picture frame, Smile, Comfort, Human body, Sleeve, Thigh, Knee

Asking Way Too Much Questions

You’re building a relationship, not applying for a job. A conversation needs to flow naturally and questions – intelligent and original questions – only serve the purpose of getting that conversation started. There’s nothing more annoying than constantly having to answer question after question and your matches will move over to someone else if you keep doing this. Just talk about how your day was and what you did. If you have boring days and don’t do anything at all, maybe that’s on you and you need to work on that.

Communication Device, Smile, Hand, Sleeve, Communication Device, Gesture

Constantly Logging In

Do you find yourself constantly checking your phone for messages and opening your app to see if you have any new matches? Is it even so bad that when you find no new matches, it ruins your whole day? Well then you’re just trying too hard to work towards that relationship. Not having any matches means you have more time to put into the people that do want to be with you and see where your connection goes. And it also gives you more me time, which is probably going to become very valuable once you actually have that relationship. Enjoy it while it lasts.