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6 Signs You’re Trying to Hard to Get The Guy & Need to Chill (3 of 4)

女生 玩 手机, Hand, Mobile phone, Communication Device, Sleeve, Telephony, Eyelash, Gesture

You Share Too Much

For some reason you can’t resist sharing all your deepest and darkest secrets with someone within the first few days of you talking. I’m not saying you don’t need to do some sharing if you’re going to build a connection with someone, but you can definitely leave most of the stuff for a few months down the road when you’ve got a solid foundation built for your relationship.

Smiling girl in bed resting and surfing the net on the phone

You Always Text First

There’s nothing wrong with taking some initiative every once in a while, but you do have to make sure you’re giving your texting partner a chance of being the one to start a conversation as well. It’s gonna be cute at first, but it’s gonna become annoying very, very fast. And it could also just flat-out mean that the other person isn’t interested in having a conversation with you.