15 Terrifying Signs That You Are The Crazy Girlfriend (2 of 3)

Your partner is all you can think about

You dream about them. You wake up with the thought of them. Every time they are not in your presence, you constantly think about them and what they might be doing. This could be an indication of a slight obsession.

You stalk their social media

If you are checking your partner’s social media several times a day, you may need to self evaluate. Looking for signs of issues in his online behavior is not okay.

You have timed their driving habits

Do you have his drive time home and to various locations timed down to the minute? You may even check his mileage to make sure that he did not deviate from his usual route.

Your partner’s friends are put off by you

If you’ve gotten through this list and found any point relatable thus far, it’s likely that others have noticed your questionable behavior as well. Your partner’s friends may all change their vibe when you come around, or ignore you altogether.

You stalk his house and other frequent locations

If you find yourself driving by his house all the time, or just happen to always be in the neighborhood of his gym or office, you are likely in full-blown obsession mode.

You are always worried about who he is with

It should be okay for your partner to spend time with other people. If you are always bent out of shape over who he is with at all times of the day, there is a serious lack of trust in your relationship.