7 Game-Changing Tips for Girls With Depression (4 of 4)

Give yourself reassurance instead of seeking it from others

Depression can make you feel really insecure and unsure about how you show up in the world and in relation to others. It can easily make you feel the need to seek out reassurance from those around you. But this can become overwhelming and potentially be a turn-off for a potential match, as they will not know you very well and have little invested in the connection yet. Instead, focus on giving yourself that reassurance, and remember that you are worthy and lovable exactly the way you are. 

Don’t put too much pressure on one date

The saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” is one of the best things you can remember when it comes to navigating the dating world. It can be tempting to get really excited about a great date. But you can’t get too overzealous about the first good time you have with someone. You have to give yourself time to truly get to know a person to see if they are an actual good match, and this happens over time. Also, putting too much stock in a person early on can run off a potential match as well. Go slow, and just enjoy the process of getting to know your potential matches — you are sure to find the right one for you. 

Tags: mental health, depression, dating guide