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11 Behaviors That Are Driving Him Away

I think we can all agree that love is a fickle thing. It can lead us down unpredictable paths, both for the better and the worse. However, it’s important to remember that love is a deliberate, intentional force, not just a fleeting impulse. While folks might give you annoying but well-meaning advice urging you to go with the flow and let love take its course, it’s crucial not to discard self-awareness and logic in the process.

Sometimes, our personal judgment can backfire, even if it’s unintentional. Relationships often bring our insecurities and fears to the forefront, causing us to act a bit nutty even when we’re otherwise reasonable. This could indicate a lot of things – that you’re in an unhealthy relationship, have lost your sense of self within it, or are struggling to break recurring patterns stemming from your upbringing or past relationships. Such behavior may inadvertently sabotage the relationship and drive your partner away.

With that in mind, here are 11 things you might be doing that make him want to move on from you:

Photograph, Property, Smile, Table, Happy, Gesture

1. Making Him the Center of the Universe at the Expense of Everything Else

While he obviously wants to spend time with you, making him your sole focus can lead to neglecting your own needs, friends, and interests. It’s important to maintain a healthy balance between your relationship and your individual life. Having your own identity and interests outside of the relationship will make you more attractive to your partner and help you avoid becoming too codependent.