7 Ways to Test Whether He’s Into You (2 of 4)

The Compliments Test

Test his response to various situations. For instance, if you haven’t seen him in a couple of days, send him a text playfully telling him that you miss being in his company. If he responds with anything other than “I miss being around you too,” it’s doubtful that he’s looking to take things to the next level. Likewise, if you meet with him dressed in something fashionable or you’ve changed your hairstyle and he doesn’t compliment you, it’s probably time to look for other fish. Or, like most guys, he just might not be very observant about these things. So take any potential slights with a grain of salt, as they might not be intentional. 

The “See If He Follows Up” Test

This one requires a bit of confidence and a willingness to accept rejection. Here’s how it works: you casually mention that the two of you should catch a movie or a bite to eat “some time”, deliberately making no mention of when this should happen. If he follows up in a few days to remind you that you’ve got a date to plan with him, it’s a clear indication that he’s interested in getting to know you. Or, to put it another way, it would be easy for him to never bring it up again if he didn’t want anything to do with you.