What Is He Thinking: 7 Possibilities When You’re Kissing (4 of 5)

He’s distracted by his surroundings

The most ideal situation would be if his mind is completely on you and the kissing. But if you’ve got a roommate and their friends goofing off loudly in the living room, or you’ve still got the TV on, your guy’s mind might stray towards those things. It doesn’t mean he’s any less interested in you, but it does make it harder for him to concentrate on the act. 

He isn’t thinking of anything but the kiss itself

Don’t take this to be a negative. The fact that he isn’t overthinking anything can be a virtue. He’s enjoying the experience and the time he’s spending with you. Any thoughts that happen to pop into his head vanish right away. The way he sees it, why allow his mind to wander on random thoughts when he’s with the girl of his dreams?