Exactly How To Be A High Value Woman: 7 Traits & Examples (3 of 4)

Know just how valuable you are

If you know your value, then everyone else will too. Embracing yourself worth is a contagious feeling that automatically makes others feel your worth too. It doesn’t have to be boastful or cocky, and you don’t have to make a big announcement. Confidence can be sensed and felt through everything about you. Have a mindset that you are worthy and valuable, and all who meet you will feel the same way about you as well. This requires doing the internal work to truly see, acknowledge and love you for who you are, in all your glory. 

Keep your life intact no matter who you are dating

Many people make the mistake of totally dropping everything when they start dating. This is a big no no. A high value woman knows her worth, as we discussed. This means knowing that your life as it is, is worth maintaining and preserving. Never give up on your needs and wants for a man. Keep your schedule, your friends, your hobbies, your hopes and dreams all thriving and nourished no matter who comes into your life.