10 Qualities of a Good Woman (2 of 6)

Girl, Joint, Comfort, Leg, Knee, Wood, Flooring, Gesture

A good woman has a good sense of humor

Everyone’s sense of humor is different, so this is subjective. But a good woman for you will understand your sense of humor, and have a sense of humor that resonates with you in return. A sense of humor can make a good connection great, and help you feel better on hard days. Being able to laugh and joke with your partner is so healthy and therapeutic.

Frases De Sanacion, Hand, Shoulder, Sky, Smile, People in nature, Flash photography, Happy, Cloud, Gesture

A good woman is open-minded

A rigid person will be difficult to compromise and grow with. It takes an open mind to see another person’s point of view and find true understanding in all aspects of a relationship. An open-minded woman will make you feel comfortable with your unique thoughts and personality.