5 Spiritual Practices That Can Increase Well-Being (3 of 3)


Being compassionate means suffering together with someone. If we can share our burden, it’s much less of a hassle to get through life. And if you’re compassionate toward other people, they’ll often respond in kind and help carry some of your burdens as well. A good way to practice compassion is to begin thinking of people and, one by one, wish them something good, slowly moving on to people we don’t know at all or even people we despise and feel contempt for. Turning these emotions around will put less strain on your system and allow you to walk through life a lot lighter.


We have to be grateful for everything life throws at us. Otherwise, what’s the use? The easiest way to actively be grateful is to end every day with “three good things.” You simply write down three things each day that you’re grateful for, and they can be as small or as big as you want. You could be grateful that your commute to work went smoothly, and be grateful for loved ones, but you can also be grateful for the struggles you dealt with that day that helped you grow as a person. Like with all things spiritual, it’s up to you how far you want to go with this.

Tags: gratitude