Crystals of Transformation: 12 Healing Stones and Their Magical Purposes (3 of 7)


Citrine is a beautiful yellowish-brown gemstone that is known for its energizing and vibrant properties. It is a variety of quartz, and its name is derived from the French word “citron,” which means lemon. Citrine is often used as a healing crystal to help with various physical and emotional conditions. It is believed to help with digestive problems as well as skin allergies and infections. Citrine is also said to help with self-esteem and confidence, making it a great stone to carry with you if you’re feeling down or insecure.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli has been used for thousands of years in jewelry, decorative objects, and even in cosmetics. It was highly valued in ancient Egypt, where it was believed to have protective powers and was often used in funeral masks and other burial objects. In ancient Persia, lapis lazuli was considered a symbol of royalty and was used to decorate palaces and other important buildings. Beyond its visual appeal, lapis lazuli is thought to possess various healing and metaphysical qualities. Many believe it can enhance inner serenity, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment. It’s frequently employed in meditation and energy-healing exercises, adding a touch of mystique to its allure. It is also believed to enhance creativity, communication, and self-expression.