Crystals of Transformation: 12 Healing Stones and Their Magical Purposes (6 of 7)


One of the main benefits of garnet is its ability to provide energy and vitality. It is believed to stimulate the metabolism and boost the immune system, making it a great stone for those who are feeling run down or tired. Additionally, garnet is said to promote self-confidence, courage, and creativity, making it an ideal stone for those who are looking to take risks and pursue their passions. Overall, garnet is a powerful gemstone that can provide a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits to those who wear it.


One of the most commonly cited uses for bloodstone is as a grounding stone. It is believed to help those who are feeling scattered or overwhelmed to find a sense of calm and focus. Bloodstone is also said to help with physical health issues such as anemia, menstrual cramps, and other blood-related conditions.