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12 Cinema Characters Whose Unique Style Started New Trends in Everyday Life

Many of the trends we see in fashion and popular culture come from designers and fashion gurus. Style trends can originate from various influencers across social media too. But there are some instances where trends actually come from different sources — one in particular is from movie characters. Looking back through the history of cinema, it is obvious how many actors have influenced trends through the fashion choices of their characters. These looks became so iconic that some of them are still well known and considered stylish today. You may even remember some of these looks yourself, or even feel a bit of nostalgia from a time when you actually wore these styles at some point or another. To learn just how impactful these films and their main characters were, check out 12 cinema characters whose unique style started new trends in everyday life.

Sharon Stone Basic Instinct, Leg, Flash photography

Basic Instinct: White Turtleneck

If you have ever watched “Basic Instinct,” then you probably remember this iconic outfit. Sharon Stone’s character wore a stunning white dress with a turtleneck that rivaled any designer gown in terms of stylish impact. It was designed by Nino Cerruti.