12 Cinema Characters Whose Unique Style Started New Trends in Everyday Life (2 of 7)

Manfred Thierry Mugler Demi Moore, Shoulder, Dress, Flash photography, Standing, Lighting

Indecent Proposal: Black Dress

Designer Thierry Mugler created a beautiful long black dress complete with an attention grabbing neckline for this ensemble. It was worn by Demi Moore, and was a complete hit in the real world.

Rachel Green Outfits, Shoe, Leg, Tartan, Human, Fashion, Thigh

Friends: Rachel Green’s Entire Wardrobe

This particular trend isn’t even limited to just one outfit or look. That’s just how popular Jennifer Aniston’s wardrobe was on the series Friends, as character Rachel Green. Everyone wanted to copy Rachel’s style when this show was in its heyday.