10 Best Smells In The World

10 Best Smells In The World

Scent can carry so much meaning and memory, whether it is the smell of freshly baked cookies at your grandmother’s house or the perfume of your high school sweetheart. While smells can be very personal and individualized, there are some smells that we all share a love of. These popular smells tie us to particular memories or associations to concepts and familiar places or things.

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15 Brain-Boosting Juices and Beverages

15 Brain-Boosting Juices and Beverages

Nootropics are also known as smart drugs and have the ability to increase brain function. There are certain drinks that even naturally have nootropic compounds. Blueberry juice contains antioxidants like anthocyanins which can help your brain operate better. Turmeric is a powerhouse spice that contains the antioxidant curcumin, which can fight against neurological disorders.

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